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Model View Controller

Serinus can also be used with the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern. The library provides a ViewEngine class that can be extended to create custom view engines. The view engine is responsible for rendering the views and returning the HTML content to the client.

Creating a View Engine

To create a view engine, you need to create a class that extends the ViewEngine class and override the render method. In this example we will use the MustacheX package.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';
import 'package:mustachex/mustachex.dart';

class MustacheViewEngine extends ViewEngine{
  const MustacheViewEngine({

  Future<String> render(View view) async {
    final processor = MustachexProcessor(
      initialVariables: view.variables
    final template = File('${Directory.current.path}/$viewFolder/${view.view}.mustache');
    final exists = await template.exists();
      final content = await template.readAsString();
      final processed = await processor.process(content);
      return processed;
    return await _notFoundView(view);

  Future<String> renderString(ViewString view) async {
    final processor = MustachexProcessor(
      initialVariables: view.variables
    return await processor.process(view.viewData);

  Future<String> _notFoundView(String view) async {
    final processor = MustachexProcessor(
      initialVariables: {'view': view}
    return await processor.process('View {{view}} not found');

In the MustacheViewEngine class, you can pass the following parameters to the constructor:

  • viewFolder: The folder where the views are stored. By default it is the views folder.

Using a View Engine

To use a View Engine first you need to call the viewEngine setter in your application.

void main(List<String> arguments) async {
  SerinusApplication application = await serinus.createApplication(
    entrypoint: AppModule()
  application.viewEngine = MustacheViewEngine();
  await application.serve();

Then you can use the render and the renderString methods in your route handlers when returning the Response.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {
  MyController({super.path = '/'}) {
    on(GetRoute(path: '/'), (context) {
      // This refers to the view file `views/index.mustache`
      return View(view: 'index', variables: {'name': 'Serinus'});
import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {
  MyController({super.path = '/'}) {
    on(GetRoute(path: '/'), (context) {
      return ViewString(viewData: 'Hello {{name}}', variables: {'name': 'Serinus'});
Hello {{name}}

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