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Controllers in Serinus are groups of routes that shares the same base path and metadata.

Creating a Controller

To create a controller, you simply need to extends the Controller class.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {
  MyController({super.path = '/'});

Adding Routes

To add routes to a controller, you must use the on method.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {
  MyController({super.path = '/'}) {
    on(Route.get('/'), (context) async {
      return 'Hello World!';

You have two ways to define routes:

  • Route.: Defines a route using the factory constructors from the Route class.
  • Extends the Route class.


You can add metadata to a controller by overriding the metadata getter.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {

  MyController({super.path = '/'});

  List<Metadata> get metadata => [];


You can find more information about metadata in the Metadata section.

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