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Paths are the identifiers to locate resources of a server.


As explained in the image above, a path starts with a / and ends when the query string starts.

To explain even further:


Path Parameters

Serinus allows you to define dynamic paths by using path parameters. Path parameters are defined by the parameter name surrounded by < >.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {
  MyController({super.path = '/'}) {
    on(Route.get('/<id>'), (context) async {
      return 'Hello World ${context.params['id']}!';

In the example above, the MyController controller has a route that accepts a path parameter named id. The value of the path parameter can be accessed through the params property of the RequestContext object.

Multiple Path Parameters

You can define multiple path parameters in a route.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {
  MyController({super.path = '/'}) {
    on(Route.get('/<id>/<name>'), (context) async {
      return 'Hello ${context.params['name']} with id ${context.params['id']}!';

In the example above, the MyController controller has a route that accepts two path parameters named id and name.

Wildcard Path

You can define a wildcard path by using the * character.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {
  MyController({super.path = '/'}) {
    on(Route.get('/<id>/*'), (context) async {
      return 'Hello World ${context.params['id']}!';

In the example above, the MyController controller has a route that accepts a path parameter named id and a wildcard path.


Query Parameters

Query parameters are key-value pairs that are sent in the URL. Serinus will try to parse the query parameters to the type that you defined in the route.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class GetRoute extends Route {
  const GetRoute({
    required super.path, 
    super.method = HttpMethod.get,
    super.queryParameters = const {
        'name': String,

In the example above, the GetRoute route has a query parameter named name that is a String.

But you are not forced to define the type of the query parameter. If you don't define the type, Serinus will parse the query parameter to a String.

You can access the query parameters through the query property of the RequestContext object.

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