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Serinus supports WebSockets for real-time communication between the client and the server. This is useful for applications that require real-time updates, such as chat applications, online games, and financial applications.

How to use WebSockets

To use websockets in a Serinus application you first need to import the WsModule class inside the entrypoint module. The WsModule class is used to initialize the Adapter.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class AppModule extends Module {
  AppModule() : super(
    imports: [
    ], // Add the modules that you want to import
    controllers: [],
    providers: [],
    middlewares: []

After importing the WsModule class, you can create your Gateway extending the WebSocketGateway class and adding them to the providers list.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class TestWsProvider extends WebSocketGateway {

  Future<void> onMessage(dynamic message, WebSocketContext context) async {
    print('Message received: $message');

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class AppModule extends Module {
  AppModule() : super(
    imports: [
    ], // Add the modules that you want to import
    controllers: [],
    providers: [
    middlewares: []

Sending messages

To send messages to the client you can use the send method from the WebSocketContext class.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class TestWsProvider extends WebSocketGateway {

  Future<void> onMessage(dynamic message, WebSocketContext context) async {
    print('Message received: $message');
    context.send('Hello from the server!');


If you want to broadcast a message to all connected clients you can set to true the param broadcast in the send method.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class TestWsProvider extends WebSocketGateway {

  Future<void> onMessage(dynamic message, WebSocketContext context) async {
    print('Message received: $message');
    context.send('Hello from the server!', broadcast: true);


Handling connections

You can handle the connection and disconnection of clients using the OnClientConnect and the OnClientDisconnect mixins which exposes the onConnect and onDisconnect methods.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class TestWsProvider extends WebSocketGateway with OnClientConnect, OnClientDisconnect {

  Future<void> onMessage(dynamic message, WebSocketContext context) async {
    print('Message received: $message');
    context.send('Hello from the server!');

  Future<void> onConnect() async {
    print('Client connected');

  Future<void> onDisconnect() async {
    print('Client disconnected');


Serializer and Deserializer

You can use the serializer and deserializer properties to serialize and deserialize the messages.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class JsonMessageDeserializer extends MessageDeserializer {
  dynamic deserialize(String message) {
    return jsonDecode(message);
import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class JsonMessageSerializer extends MessageSerializer {
  String serialize(dynamic message) {
    return jsonEncode(message);
import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class TestWsProvider extends WebSocketGateway {

  TestWsProvider() : super(
    serializer: JsonMessageSerializer(),
    deserializer: JsonMessageDeserializer()

  Future<void> onMessage(dynamic message, WebSocketContext context) async {
    print('Message received: $message');
    context.send('Hello from the server!');

  Future<void> onConnect() async {
    print('Client connected');

  Future<void> onDisconnect() async {
    print('Client disconnected');


Specify the path

You can specify the path of the WebSocket using the path property.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class TestWsProvider extends WebSocketGateway {

  TestWsProvider() : super(
    serializer: JsonMessageSerializer(),
    deserializer: JsonMessageDeserializer(),
    path: '/ws'

  Future<void> onMessage(dynamic message, WebSocketContext context) async {
    print('Message received: $message');
    context.send('Hello from the server!');

  Future<void> onConnect() async {
    print('Client connected');

  Future<void> onDisconnect() async {
    print('Client disconnected');



If no path is specified, then every websocket connection will be handled by the gateway.


If no gateways can handle the connection, the connection will be closed with status code 404.

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