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The modules in Serinus are containers for the different parts of your application. They can contain controllers, providers, and other modules and allow you to reuse code across your application.

Creating a module

To create a module, you need to define a class that extends the Module class.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class AppModule extends Module {
  AppModule() : super(
    imports: [], // Add the modules that you want to import
    controllers: [],
    providers: [],
    middlewares: [],
    exports: []

Modules have the following properties:

importsA list of Modules you want to import in the current module.
controllersA list of Controllers you want to include in the module.
providersA list of Providers you want to include in the module.
middlewaresA list of Middlewares you want to include in the module.
exportsA list of Providers you want to export to other modules.

Creating a DeferredModule

Modules are loaded instantly when the application starts, but if you need to create a module dependent on providers within the application, you can wrap a Module with the DeferredModule class.

The DeferredModule class takes two parameters:

injectA list of providers that the module needs to load.
initA function that returns a Module object.

It also has access to all the properties of the Module class, so you can pass the same parameters to the super constructor.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class ModuleWithDependencies extends Module {
  final TestProvider testProvider;
  ModuleWithDependencies(this.testProvider) : super(
    imports: [],
    controllers: [],
    providers: [],
    middlewares: []

class AppModule extends Module {
  AppModule(): super(
    imports: [
        inject: [TestProvider],
        (context) async {
          final prov = context.use<TestProvider>();
          return ModuleWithDependencies(prov);
    controllers: [],
    providers: [TestProvider(isGlobal: true)],
    middlewares: []


The entry point of the application must be a module that extends Module and cannot be wrapped by the DeferredModule class.

Register components asynchronously

Modules can also use the registerAsync method to register controllers, providers, and other modules asynchronously. This is useful when you need to perform asynchronous operations to register the components of the module.

For example if you need to initialize the database connection before registering the providers.

Also if you use this method, you need to override the fields import, controllers, providers, and middlewares with an empty list.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class AppModule extends Module {

  List<Provider> providers = [];

  Future<void> registerAsync() async {
    // Register controllers, providers, and other modules asynchronously

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